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Wait EP Timeline

Update: Wait EP is now on iTunes

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Over the past few months, I have had the pleasure of writing new music for a vocalist and lyricist I have not collaborated in years. Dave Gr...

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Sep 15, 2018

What is A&O? Where did they come from?

A&O (Ants and Ostriches) is one person. Just me. I named the effort based on a band generator - I saw Ants, then saw Ostriches and pieced the two together. If I would have taken the generator's recommendation directly, I would have had something like the Saint Paul Ostriches. Which sounds more like a baseball team. Although cool - I just couldn't (or refused to) visualize myself in a baseball hat.

There are a number of tools out there to get a band name. This tool got me the closest. Or just Google "band name generator"

If you want to be more serious WikiHow has a good article. (Look at #10)

That is who "we" are and where "we" came from... The royal we of course.

The most important component, in my mind, of where "we" came from is the music - the Wait EP was put together with the following equipment.

Music Equipment:
  • M-Audio 45 key USB Midi controller 
  • SCGC OO Guitar 
  • Sigma D28 Guitar 
  • Yamaha Classical G-55A 
Recording Equipment: 
  • Logitech Desktop Microphones (2) 
  • Blue Snowball iCE Condenser Microphone 
  • GarageBand (Apple) 
  • Mainstage 3 (Apple) 
  • Audacity (Songs: Hausen, Fifth Letter Mine) 
  • Adobe Audition (Songs: Cognitive Dissonance, D28) 

A free download of the album is available on Bandcamp, SoundCloud or on the album site. It will be available on other digital distribution channels on October 2nd.